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December Community Meeting

The Belvedere Civic Club's December meeting will host Mr. Parks who's interested in developing property in the neighborhood.

Improvements have been coming to Belvedere Park in leaps and bounds! Last month the DeKalb County Board of Commissioners unanimously voted to approve the application for a new Dunkin' Donut shop to replace the abandoned Sonic fast food building in Belvedere Plaza.

Recently, the Belvedere Civic Club learned that a developer is interested in purchasing the property where the derelict old Hess Gas Station is located at the corner of Memorial Drive and Rupert Rd. (picture above).

We will be hosting the developer, Mr. Park, at our December Community Meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 14th at 7 p.m. where he will present his plans for the property and answer questions from those attending.

This is a very important meeting as it was community questions, comments, and ultimately support that helped to get the unanimous vote from the Commission for the Dunkin' Donut shop. With each improvement to our neighborhood, we bring in valuable businesses, jobs, economic investment, continued developer interest, and increased business tax base, all while removing blighted property from our neighborhood.

If you have any questions you'd like to ask Mr. Park ahead of time, please send them to and we'll pass them along to him to ensure you have an informed answer.

We look forward to hearing from all of you on Dec 14th. To attend via Zoom, click this link

If you would like to attend the meeting on your phone rather than online, please click the link below to our calendar and click on the meeting to get all the info for phone in attendance.

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