Dedicated to the quality of life and well-being of our community
DeKalb County Commissioners
County commissioners are elected officials who oversee county activities and work to ensure that citizen concerns are met, federal and state requirements are fulfilled, and county operations run smoothly.
District 3 Larry Johnson
About: https://commissionerlarryjohnson.com/commissioner-larry-johnson/
Web Address: https://commissionerlarryjohnson.com/
Office Email: District3@Dekalbcountyga.gov
Office Phone: (404) 371-2425
Larry Johnson Email: larryjohnson@dekalbcountyga.gov
Larry Johnson Phone: 404.371.2425
Super District 7 Lorraine Cochran-Johnson
About: https://commissionerlorrainecochranjohnson.com/commissioner/
Web Address: https://commissionerlorrainecochranjohnson.com/
Office Phone: 404.371.2899
Cochran-Johnson Email: lcjohnson@dekalbcountyga.gov
Manuel Maloof Building
1300 Commerce Drive
Decatur, GA 30030