Dedicated to the quality of life and well-being of our community
Volunteer Opportunities
The Belvedere Civic Club sponsors local events that allow our neighbors to become involved in a variety of community activities. In addition, the Club partners with our residents and other organizations to support activities that will promote and enhance the quality of life for our neighborhood. Here are a few of the activities.
Please read our volunteer opportunities and then pick which ones you are interested in on the form below.
Friends of Shoal Creek Park, Phase I

The DeKalb County Department of Recreation, Parks, and Cultural Affairs encourages neighborhoods to form and participate in a Friends group for the park nearest their community. Shoal Creek Park, Phase I is one of the parks that is adjacent to our community. Our neighbors are actively working to improve this park. DeKalb County states that : “The Friends of the Park group is the strongest voice for the protection, preservation, expansion and improvement to the DeKalb County's 6,770 acres of parks and playgrounds. Your membership to Friends of the Parks will help support our neighborhood parks and playground projects, environmental education, advocacy and volunteer programs throughout DeKalb County. Many of our Friends of the Park groups … have completed numerous beautification projects and assisted in the success of countless special events.”
Adopt a Block Belvedere

A neighborhood effort to clean up our streets. Adopt your street or an entire block (or two or three) and commit to picking up trash on a regular basis. Every little bit helps keep Belvedere Park looking great! This is a self-initiated individual effort for each of us to do a little bit more to promote and enhance the quality of life in our community. Volunteer today and sign up for an area of your choosing.
National Night Out (NNO)

For many years the Belvedere Civic Club has supported our local law enforcement and public safety agencies by sponsoring the nation-wide event called “National Night Out.” National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live. National Night Out enhances the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement while bringing back a true sense of community. Furthermore, it provides a great opportunity to bring police and neighbors together under positive circumstances.
To learn more about this event go to : https://natw.org/
Rivers Alive Georgia

Shoal Creek is a valuable natural resource that runs through the Belvedere Park neighborhood. Therefore, to promote and protect this riparian habitat the Belvedere Civic Club supports this stream cleanup activity. Rivers Alive is Georgia's annual volunteer waterway cleanup event that targets all waterways in the State including streams, rivers, lakes, beaches, and wetlands. The mission of Rivers Alive is to create awareness of and involvement in the preservation of Georgia's water resources. Rivers Alive is held annually each fall and is a program of the Georgia Environmental Protection Division Outreach Program.
To learn more about this event go to: https://riversalive.georgia.gov/
Community Watermelon Feast

During the hot summer months it is refreshing to have a community social event to get to know your neighbors and to enjoy cold watermelon. Volunteers are needed to help plan, coordinate, and conduct this social event.
Community Cleanup

Various community cleanup events are conducted throughout the year. Some are conducted in conjunction with Keep DeKalb Beautiful, a unit of the DeKalb County Division of Sanitation. Keep DeKalb Beautiful offers a comprehensive program that facilitates group and individual participation in improving DeKalb communities. These initiatives have an immediate, meaningful, and positive impact on how DeKalb neighborhoods and communities are perceived, and a sustainable effect and impact on the quality of life for DeKalb residents. In addition to community cleanup events done in conjunction with Keep DeKalb Beautiful the Belvedere Civic Club supports individual and community group cleanup efforts.
To learn more about these activities go to: https://www.dekalbcountyga.gov/beautification/keep-dekalb-beautiful
Deliver Newsletters and Flyers

When we go back to in person meetings, the Belvedere Civic Club hand delivers newsletters to every house in our neighborhood. It can be time consuming for just one or two people, so volunteers are always welcome and appreciated. If you're willing to deliver monthly newsletters to a small portion of the Belvedere Park area around where you live, please let us know in the form below.
Other Events and Activities
The events and activities listed above are a sample of the continuous commitment that the Belvedere Civic Club and its members have made to our community. Over the decades there have been many more. Also, we realize that our neighbors are imaginative and resourceful. If you have other skills and resources that would be a benefit to our community and if you are willing to share them with us, then please feel free to contact us and let us know.