Dedicated to the quality of life and well-being of our community
National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day 2023
Across the country on January 9th each year, citizens take the lead to show support on National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day.
Law Enforcement Officers of every rank and file have chosen a profession that puts their life on the line every day for their communities. They’ve answered a call to public service that is demanding and often unappreciated.
This year, the board of directors and a group of volunteers from the Belvedere Civic Club set up a great spread of food for all three shifts at the South Precinct. Breakfast sandwiches, donuts, protein bars, pizza, fruit, coffee, water,sport drinks, the Belvedere Civic Club was there during the changing of each shift to make sure our police officers knew we supported and appreciated them. We even left snacks for anyone walking in throughout the day.
Because of Covid policies still in effect at the South Precinct, the event couldn't be open to the public, but that did stop the Belvedere Civic Club from ensuring our community continues to enjoy a close relationship with our law officials.