Dedicated to the quality of life and well-being of our community
Shoal Creek 2021 Cleanup
We wanted to share with you the accomplishments that we achieved during the RiversAlive Georgia cleanup of the portion of Shoal Creek that flows through our community. We conducted the cleanup on Saturday morning, September 18, 2021. First, we wish to express our gratitude to all of our friends and neighbors who came out to participate in this event.
Some of our neighbors concentrated on the smaller trash items, such as : aluminum cans, plastic bottles, glass bottles, plastic toys, and other small debris. Our volunteers filled many bags of this type of trash.
Other volunteers dealt with much heavier items such as scrap tires, computer monitor, television set. The computer monitor and the television were the ancient cathode ray tube (CRT) type, not the modern flatscreen variety.
Another group of volunteers tackled the large, very heavy, waterlogged items. Some of these included a rusted shopping cart, a full-size bed with waterlogged headboard and footboard and attached bed rails. Clearly, the heaviest item was a 1960s steel-reinforced concrete bus stop post.
Most of the larger items were partially buried in the silt and sand at the bottom of the Creek. These larger items had to be dug out of the streambed with shovels. To demonstrate their mastery of the concrete bus stop post, a photograph of 2 of the lady volunteers who removed this post is included. No bad guys better mess with these ladies!
Volunteers from White Oak Hills, our sister neighborhood on the west side of Shoal Creek Park, conducted a separate cleanup of the park wetlands. They concentrated on removing scrap tires that had been dumped in the wetland.