Dedicated to the quality of life and well-being of our community
Spring Cleanup
Volunteers met on Saturday, April 17, 2021 in the derelict vacant lot at 1225 Columbia Dr. This is the lot behind the old Wells Fargo Bank on Columbia Dr.
This spring cleanup event was held in celebration of Earth Day and to introduce the community to the new users of this DeKalb County owned land. DeKalb County is repurposing this land to provide a location for: 1) CHaRM (Center for Hard to Recycle Materials) and 2) an urban agriculture center.
If you are not familiar with CHaRM, then you can go to their website at https://livethrive.org/charm/ to learn more.
The urban agriculture center is proposed to grow fresh produce on this land and to sell the produce in our community. Agnes Scott College will also be involved in this project, along with the DeKalb County Department of Cultural Affairs, Parks, and Recreation
To keep up to date with upcoming community events, projects, and news, please visit our "Updates" page.

Volunteers who participated were : DeKalb County District 3 Commissioner Larry Johnson and his staff, DeKalb County Super District 6 Commissioner Ted Terry, members of the Belvedere Civic Club, members of the Belvedere Park Neighborhood Association, members from several other communities surrounding Belvedere Park, the director and staff of CHaRM, students from Agnes Scott College, and a employees of the DeKalb County Department of Cultural Affairs, Parks, and Recreation.